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This unique form of Thai massage combines pressure point technique, and deep stretching to help release tension, improve flexibility, and restore bio-chemical balance in the body.
One of the key benefits of Thai massage is its ability to improve circulation and lymphatic drainage.
The pressure point along meridian line(sen) or energy path helps stimulate blood and lymph flow throughout the body, which can help to improve circulation and promote the removal of toxins and waste products from the tissues.
By improving circulation, Thai massage can help increase oxygen and nutrient delivery to the cells, promoting healing, and reduce inflammation.
In addition to improving circulation, Thai massage can also have a positive effect on lymphatic drainage. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins, waste, and other unwanted substances from the body which plays a critical role in immune function.
By applying deep pressure on specific points and stretching techniques to the body, the Thai massage can help stimulate lymph flow. This can help boost up your immune system, reduce swelling, improve overall health and wellbeing.
Thai massage can be a great way to unwind and relax, while also reaping many health benefits. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, stress, or simply want to improve your overall wellness.
But there are more in advanced Thai massage practice which require deep knowledge and knowhow to practice upon bodily dynamic, its physiological and psychological side of things.
(on mental health)
Increasing serotonin and dopamine hormone
Massage therapy has been found to promote the release of dopamine and serotonin. help decrease the stress hormone or cortisol, making it an appealing non-pharmaceutical addition to depression and anxiety treatment plans.
A frequently cited study of pregnant women with depression published in the International Journal of Neuroscience in 2004 concluded that massage could be beneficial. In the study, after participants had two 20-minute massage sessions given by their partners, their serotonin levels increased by 28% and their dopamine levels by 31%.
Dopamine and serotonin are both neurotransmitters, meaning they are chemical messengers in the brain which communicate via neurons.
Dopamine and serotonin are two important neurotransmitters for mental health. They affect your mood, memory, sleep, libido, appetite, and more. Imbalances of the hormones can contribute to addictions, mood conditions, memory issues, and attention difficulties.
Serotonin is associated with feelings of happiness, focus and calm, whilst dopamine is associated with feelings of rewards, motivation, and being productive.
All essential oils come from plants which often have medicinal properties. One study found that bergamot, lavender, Eucalyptus, orange and lemon essential oils are particularly therapeutic. Using your sense of smell, they prompt your brain to release serotonin and dopamine.
Increasing oxytocin hormone
Oxytocin the so-called "love hormone" is being increasingly shown to trigger a wide variety of physical and psychological effects in both women and men.
The hormone's influence on our behavior and physiology originates in the brain, where it's produced by the hypothalamus, and then transfers to the pituitary gland which releases into the bloodstream.
Like antennas picking up a signal, oxytocin receptors are found on cells throughout the body. With gentle hug, body touch or good massage, the levels of oxytocin hormone tend to be higher, which help creating social bonding experiences, according to the American Psychological Association.
"It's like a hormone of attachment, you might say," said Carol Rinkleib Ellison, a clinical psychologist in private practice in Loomis, California and former assistant clinical psychiatry professor at the University of California, San Francisco. "It creates feelings of calm and closeness."
Though scientists have long known about oxytocin's role in breastfeeding and childbirth, "We're just learning more about it now," Ellison said.
A stream of studies in the last decade have focused on oxytocin's effects on body and mind. Here's a look at what we've learned.
Oxytocin promotes attachment
Pregnant women with higher levels of oxytocin during their first trimester bonded more strongly with their babies after they were born, according to a 2007 study in the journal Psychological Science. And compared with other women, women with higher levels throughout their pregnancy and in the first month after birth reported engaging in more behaviors such as singing, feeding and bathing their infants in specific ways that promoted an exclusive relationship between the two, the study found.
Oxytocin solidifies relationships
Comparing urine levels of oxytocin and a related hormone called vasopressin in biological and adoptive children who lived in Russian and Romanian orphanages, researchers found that oxytocin rose in biological children after having contact with their mothers. The study, published in 2005 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed that oxytocin levels remained static in the adoptive children in the same situation, suggesting a physiological basis for why some adoptive children have difficulty forming secure relationships.
Oxytocin eases stress
Research done on prairie voles showed that those separated from their siblings exhibited signs of anxiety, stress and depression that abated after they were injected with oxytocin. The study, presented at a 2007 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, indicated the hormone's effects were more evident under stressful situations.
Oxytocin crystallizes emotional memories
A November study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences supported researchers' theory that oxytocin would amplify men's early memories of their mothers. In a group of 31 men, those who inhaled a synthetic version of the hormone found the hormone intensified fond memories of their mothers if their relationships had been positive. Those whose ties with their mom's had frayed downgraded their opinions after inhaling oxytocin, the study showed.
Oxytocin facilitates childbirth and breastfeeding
In its best understood role, oxytocin is released in large amounts during labor, intensifying the uterine contractions that open the cervix and allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. Physicians have been using synthetic oxytocin, also known by its brand name Pitocin, to induce or augment labor since the early 1900s. After birth, the hormone continues to stimulate uterine contractions that discourage hemorrhaging, and more is released when the nipples are stimulated during suckling, promoting the letdown of milk into the nipples.
Oxytocin boosts sexual arousal
Spontaneous erections in rats were observed after oxytocin was injected into their cerebrospinal fluid in a 2001 study in the journal Physiological Review. And a cocktail of brain chemicals that includes oxytocin is released in men during ejaculation. These chemicals can intensify bonding between sexual partners , though, Ellison noted, "it isn't the same for everyone."
"I think there is a variability," said Ellison, who also teaches sexuality classes to health professionals. "For people who can really get into the sensualness of hugging and cuddling, that is the hormone released in this process. For people who don't get into it, maybe they're not releasing the oxytocin. It may be a circular thing."
Oxytocin reduces drug cravings
According to a 1999 article in the journal Progress in Brain Research, some studies indicate that oxytocin inhibits tolerance to addictive drugs, including opiates, cocaine and alcohol , and reduces withdrawal symptoms. "It's an antidote to craving," Ellison explained. "That craving (for drugs), that hunger, is probably eased with this hormone. It's involved with the satisfaction of hunger."
Oxytocin improves social skills
A February study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that inhaling oxytocin significantly improved the ability of people with autism to interact with others. Previous studies indicated natural oxytocin levels were lower in those with autism, a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties in communication and social relationships. Oxytocin also reduced autistic individuals' fear of others, researchers said.
Oxytocin triggers protective instincts
A June study in the journal Science suggested oxytocin triggers defensive aggression against outsiders who might threaten someone's social group, such as in soldiers who defend their comrades. Prior animal studies had shown that the hormone promotes protectionist behavior, but this research was the first to demonstrate a similar effect in humans.
Oxytocin induces sleep
Oxytocin released in the brain under stress-free conditions naturally promotes sleep , according to a 2003 study in the journal Regulatory Peptides. Ellison said this link makes sense because oxytocin counters the effects of cortisol, which is the known as the stress hormone. "It has a calming effect," she said. "It leaves you feeling tranquil and loving, and certainly that helps our path to sleep."
Oxytocin fosters generosity
In a 2007 study in the journal Public Library of Science ONE, participants inhaled oxytocin or a placebo through their noses, and then were given a decision on how to split money with a stranger. Those on oxytocin were 80 percent more generous, researchers said, and the hormone seemed to affect their sense of altruism as well.
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