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Thai massage is not just about stretching, throwing oneself with certain move(s) and direction(s) hoping that only stretching technique will heal all wound(s) and ailments, we have had.
Any remedy method whether ancient practice or modern science in health industry, evolve life circumstances, daily routine, work conditions, postures, habits, behavior pattern, activities, individual's bodily bio-chemical process and respond to the practice(s) which very vary, may be effective to some but do not work well or preferable to many people.
Same go with medical science or any other healing practices that doctor(s), specialist(s), healer(s) of any kind put us through all kind of trial(s) and error(s) on medication(s), pill(s), surgery(s), remedy and manual works, hoping what they know and have trained or expertise might help others in the end of bodily chemical process.
Thai massage is not different on this matter. It depends on how each individual response during the practice until homeostasis process is done which require 24-48 hours.
Some people might prefer manual work such as massage for their health approach. While others prefer modern science and medicine to deal with their symptoms and pains which ofcourse a personal choice. One method might work for few people while other methods work well for many.
It is not the therapist to say which method is better or not so. It's the client free will to spend their hard earn for their health care on what they belief could help them. People always spend for thing worth spending. I can not convince nor control anyone to spend for what they are not comfortable to or believe in.
We, humans are all a different canvas we created by our own doing(s) and acting(s) or we are what we eat and do, as some people said. What seem to work great for oneself, might not work for another. It's just that simple. A logic we have encounter with, in all the area of human experiences, not just in healing aspect.
Thai massage has its depth and spectrum, being an alternative and holistic health approach for over 2,500 years beyond the Buddha period which practice base on ten main energy paths that evolving on all areas of human existence which are physical, mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual body, where now a day modern science has imitated its approach and discovered based on scientific prove and study. That we nowadays are all know, being healthy is not just about being fit physically but being healthy including mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual state of being as a whole.
Those 10 main bodily energy paths or meridians are
1st & 2nd energy path deal with
Central Nervous System (CNS) - brain and spinal cords, nose, mouth
3rd energy path deal with
Cardiovascular system - internal organs such as heart and lungs, mental and psychological body
4th energy path deal with
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - shoulders, hands, arms, hip & lower back, legs and feet movement
5th & 6th energy path deal with
Sensory organ - eyes, both left and right
7th & 8th energy path deal with
Sensory organ - ears both left and right
9th energy path deal with
Digestive system and excretory system - overall bodily energy and elimination of wastes produced by homeostasis.
10th energy path deal with
Urinary and Reproductive system
I do believe Thai massage technique that I have learned and studied in Canada is surely provided me some sense of modern science related to the practice. But I feel that the knowledge and know how that I have gained here in Canada is quite limit or perhaps that could be, because I have language barrier during my studied that get me not able to pick up all the knowledge and practice in the class during the time frame provided.
I knew there are more in-depth about Thai massage and its essence that I need to learn from individual(s) who have years of experience, practicing Thai massage techniques through out their life, helping millions of people where modern science is not yet established and discovered or perhaps can not reach individual's needs on all level.
I belief I still have not yet discovered the deepest dimension of Thai yoga massage and it true essence. I might know something but I needed to know more. Perhaps what I think I know about Thai massage is just a surface layers, that I need to continue to discover and go beyond if I really want to be a true therapist, helping others from trauma(s).
I will surely continue my learning, focusing on this one particular massage technique from great therapist(s) who have 30-40 years of life long journey, practicing this ancient approach. I wanted to bring its true wisdom and essence to help people in Canada where I live, being a Canadian, who have passion to serve humanity and the society I live in.
All that being said, my approach is a combination of many trainings and practices I have gained the secret and technique from a lot of great people both in Canada and Thailand, base on the knowledge and know how from advanced medical Thai massage technique, Thai warrior massage, traditional Thai massage, Thai aroma oil & relaxation massage, Thai foot massage & reflexology, head & facial massage, abdominal & stomach massage, cupping, weight loss and cellulite treatment and more.
In brief, Thai massage is fundamentally a study involving all aspects of human existence, practicing focus on ten main bodily energy paths and five elements of the existence, using pressure points, stretching and stroking techniques that could deal with more than 50 ailments. Which are office syndrome, migraine, stiff neck, frozen shoulder, upper back pain, lower back pain, triceps tendonitis, biceps tendonitis, tennis elbow syndrome, dead butt syndrome, sciatica pain, piriformis syndrome, groin pain, IT Band syndrome, hamstring tendonitis, quadriceps Tendonitis, calf and achilleas pain, foot pain and sprain, prostate issues, etc. Which are the services I provide on top of relaxation massage and pregnancy massage.
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