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Helps Treat Acne
Lavender oil is one of those few natural ingredients you can look up to for getting rid of acne troubles. The oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can fight the bacteria that cause acne and inflammation. Simply dab some lavender oil on your acne blemishes using a cotton swab, and see the desired results. According to University of Maryland Medical Center, aromatherapists use lavender extensively for treating acne.
Aids In The Treatment Of Eczema
Eczema can be a very embarrassing skin condition, but only if one doesn’t have lavender oil handy. This is because the oil has the ability to relieve itching and reduce the symptoms of eczema. It also decongests the irritated areas on the skin by adding moisture, thereby accelerating the healing process.
Detoxify The Skin
Given the obnoxious variety of environmental toxins and other pollutants our skin is exposed to most of the time, it is not surprising to know that our skin’s health is deteriorating with each passing day. But we have lavender to the rescue – it contains powerful antioxidants that can fight against the harmful effects of pollutants on the skin. In one study conducted by the Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC, it was found that lavender oil was one of the few potent essential oils that can inhibit the growth of skin bacteria.
Heals Burns
The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil again play a role here. The oil is beneficial in healing the burns, and also helps treat the scars caused by them (or scars caused by injuries. In addition, lavender oil also acts as a pain reliever. Just add a few drops of lavender oil to the burnt area after keeping it under running water for about 10 minutes. Doing so can accelerate the healing process. However, keep in mind that you must consult a doctor immediately in the case of serious burns.
Heal Insect Bites
Though not a serious problem, insect bites can indeed mess up with your daily activities. But that wouldn’t be the case when you have lavender oil handy.
Simply add a few drops of lavender oil on the insect bite or gnaw, and see the itching and swelling decrease considerably.
Lavender oil can act as a good insect repellant (6), and it has been traditionally used for treating insect bites.
An Australian study had revealed the presence of scientific and clinical data that support the traditional uses of lavender. However, do exercise caution while using the oil on children for treating insect bites. According to The University of Arizona, lavender oil must not be used on children below the age of 2 years.
Treating Tired Muscles
We know how tired our muscles can get after a long day at work; and we also know how heavenly a good massage can feel at that point of time. This is where lavender oil comes around as something you shouldn’t ignore. Ideally you can prepare a lavender bath by adding 4 to 6 drops of the oil to a large bowl of warm water. Soak your hands or feet in this bath for about ten minutes, and feel refreshed and relaxed. Lavender oil has been found to be excellent for treating tired muscles, especially that of the feet and head. You can also rub a little amount of lavender oil to your feet before going to bed – this, apart from soothing your tired feet, can also soften and hydrate any rough spots or patches on your feet.
As A Toner
Lavender tones and makes your skin firm as it boosts circulation, thus resulting in an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrition to the skin cells. This helps in keeping the cells healthy and boosting their renewal process. You can make a toner at home with lavender and water. Boil 100 ml of water in a bowl and then put in the lavender buds, so that they are completely submerged. Cover the bowl, leaving the brew to steep for a few hours. Drain the mixture into a clean glass bottle and refrigerate it. Spray some of this lavender water on a cotton pad and gently wipe your face with it (after washing your face in the morning). This will refresh your skin like a toner.
Controls Hair Loss
Essential oils are becoming increasingly popular due to their added benefits to your skin and hair. Lavender oil is one of these oils that can promote hair growth and treat various hair problems like hair loss, alopecia, dandruff, etc. It can be diluted with a carrier oil to promote healthy hair and scalp.
Lavender oil is extremely effective in treating hair loss because it cures insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression, which are the common causes of hair loss. Regular massage with this oil helps in controlling hair loss and improving hair growth by increasing blood circulation. According to certain preliminary studies, lavender oil, when combined with other herbs, can help fight hair loss.
Treats Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is an auto immune disease characterized by hair loss in patches. Dry scalp massage with lavender essential oil helps in treating this condition as well as ensuring significant hair growth within a few months. A Scotland study had proven the efficacy of essential oils (including lavender oil) in treating alopecia areata. A therapeutic massage increases blood circulation to the scalp, thereby treating hair loss.
Treats Dandruff
Lavender essential oil can help you get rid of dry itchy scalp and dandruff. You can mix 15 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tablespoons of olive or almond oil and heat the mixture for about 10 seconds. Massage your scalp with this warm oil mixture and put on a shower cap. Wash off with a mild shampoo after an hour. You can also mix five drops of rosemary and lavender oils with three tablespoons of some unscented oil. Massage the oil into your scalp and leave it undisturbed for 10 minutes. After that, wash your hair with shampoo – this is another effective way of treating dandruff. According to Francesca Fusco, MD, a noted dermatologist from New York, lavender oil can help treat various scalp conditions.
Helps In The Treatment Of Head Lice
Being a powerful antiseptic, lavender oil can relieve your scalp of lice, lice eggs or nits. Massaging your scalp with this oil can kill both the lice and nits. To get rid of head lice, massage your scalp with lavender oil 20 minutes before shampooing.
As A Good Conditioner
Lavender can be used as a conditioner as well. You can prepare a hair rinse by boiling ¼ cup of dried lavender in 2 cups of water and adding a few drops of lavender oil. Rinse your hair with it and leave for 15 minutes. This will make your hair shiny and fragrant, and treat dandruff as well.
Helps Treat Insomnia
Lavender essential oil is considered a traditional medication for promoting sound sleep. In folklore, people often filled their pillows with lavender flowers to sleep peacefully. This herb is beneficial for those suffering from insomnia, restless leg syndrome and exhaustion, as it soothes the nervous system and induces sleep and relaxation. This is because its scent induces alpha waves in the area of the brain that is responsible for relaxation, thus making you fall asleep faster.
You can make your own sleep spray by combining 5-6 drops of lavender essential oil with ½ cup distilled water and 1 teaspoon of witch hazel. Pour it into a spray bottle and drizzle onto clean skin or fresh linen before going to sleep. Lavender tea prepared from dried lavender flowers is also beneficial in this regard.
A study conducted by the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, had concluded that lavender might have considerable effects on treating insomnia and inducing sleep. Another American study had supported the mild sedative effects of lavender, and had stated that the herb had practical applications for promoting deep sleep in young men and women. A Korean study had proved the efficacy of lavender fragrance in treating insomnia.
Anxiety And Depression
Lavender essential oil is effective in curing anxiety and depression through its calming, sedative, and anti-convulsive effects. It is often used in herbal remedies for promoting relaxation and treating restlessness. You can place lavender plant in the corner of your room or place a few lavender stems in a small vase. Its soothing aroma will not only relieve stress, but also repel mosquitoes. In one Korean study conducted on patients suffering from terminal cancer, hand massages with a lavender oil mixture were found to have a positive effect on the pain and depression of the patients. Another study conducted on postpartum women had shown that lavender oil could bring down the levels of anxiety and depression without any adverse side effects.
Lavender has proven to be effective in providing relief from migraine headaches and preventing the onset of a new headache. Massaging your temples, neck and forehead with lavender oil relieves neck and head tension, and promotes relaxation. This cures a variety of headaches like migraines, general headaches, gastric headaches, nervous headaches, sinus headaches and tension headaches.
An Iranian study involved 47 individuals who suffered from migraine headaches. They were divided into two groups – case group and control group. The patients in the case group were made to inhale lavender oil for 15 minutes, while the ones in the control group inhaled liquid paraffin for the same time period. It was found that the individuals in the case group had reported a decreased severity of migraines.
Indigestion is a common problem these days, which is characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting, belching and burning sensation in your stomach leading to peptic ulcers. Lavender enables the body to digest fats by soothing the lining of the digestive tract and promoting the secretion of bile. It also relieves gas and constipation. Drinking lavender tea is a great way to relieve nervous intestinal disorders and indigestion. For this purpose, cook one tablespoon of lavender buds with boiling water and use this water to make tea. An Iranian study had proven the role of lavender in treating indigestion, and other stomach problems like flatulence and upset stomach.
Heals Wounds
Lavender oil has powerful antiseptic properties. Topical application of this oil to wounds, cuts, and scrapes increases cell growth, thereby facilitating quick healing of wounds. Its antimicrobial properties protect the wounds from infection. You can dilute lavender oil with olive or jojoba oil by mixing one part of the former with 10 parts of the latter and applying it to the wound. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, lavender is used by herbalists for treating wounds. It has also been found that lavender was used to disinfect wounds during wartime.
Relieves Nausea
Lavender essential oil is effective in alleviating the symptoms of nausea or motion sickness. For this purpose, place a drop of lavender oil on one end of the tongue, behind the ears or under the navel. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, lavender oil is ideal for preventing motion sickness.
Can Reduce Bloating
Overgrowth of bad bacteria in the body can cause bloating. Lavender contains polyphenols that help in reducing the ‘bad’ bacteria in your blood, thereby helping you to get rid of bloating. If you suffer from bloating, you can sprinkle some dried culinary grade lavender on to your Greek yogurt. This will reduce bloating as well as facilitate proper digestion. Lavender has been found to treat irritable bowel syndrome, of which bloating is a symptom.
A Natural Perfume
Lavender oil is a healthy and chemical-free alternative to perfumes and colognes. You can dab a little oil at the back of your neck or wrists to smell and feel good.
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